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Our thoughts on design, development, and dat agency life.

The importance of shape in web design

When it comes to web design, the use of shapes can be a powerful tool to create visually appealing and effective websites.

The return of “Make My Logo Bigger”

A revisit of Grayscale’s all time favorite blog post.

My summer internship at Grayscale

An affectionate send-off from our youngest intern, Darkan, after spending weeks of summer with Team Grayscale.


Back to roundup

Time for a new issue of monthly roundup covering our agency life and more of our #HappyClients’ work.

2023 ESF design day

Unravelling digital design workshop for ESF Design Day

Made our way to Renaissance College in Ma On Shan on the sunny morning of 15th February after weeks of cloudy Hong Kong.


Welcome to 2023!

Let’s give yourself a nice pat on the back – you made it through the unapologetically unproductive holiday and the post-holiday slump.

Mochi in Grayscale

All we want for Christmas is…

🎶 🎶 🎶 the time to play the Backstreet Boys’ latest festive album.

GS office

Work hard, prank harder

Time flies–we’re just 10 weeks away from 2023, and the northeast monsoon finally kicks up in Hong Kong.

20220826 birthday photo

Recipe for a birthday prank

K’s workstation got pink’d!


Beat the heat

This summertime roundup is all about the heat and sweat.