All we want for Christmas is…
🎶 🎶 🎶 the time to play the Backstreet Boys’ latest festive album.
Hi and welcome to December. The time to retire your 2022 calendar is fast-approaching, and it’s my favourite festival: Christmmmaaass🎄
Before we start to get the dusk off the artificial Christmas tree and untangle the fairy lights, it’s the last 2022 monthly roundup on tap:
- C for… Cultural Studies’ site launch
- B for… Beginner’s guide to CMS
- A for… Absurd problems
Round of applause

Congratulations to Lingnan University’s Department of Cultural Studies on the launch of their new website!
Applying the talents of Grayscale design and development team, we are thrilled to deliver a striking yet relatable outlook with an admin-friendly back-end to the team.
Built on WordPress platform, the Department’s new website uses modern sectional layouts, along with subtle graphic elements which help balance out the scholarly, text-heavy atmosphere.
Check out their new, striking online presence at https://www.ln.edu.hk/cultural/
Guide for beginners

You are not alone if reading the fifth “Beginner’s Guide to CMS” article still leaves you with dozens more questions.
Here’s a full breakdown on our blog to help you choose the right CMS platform for the next project!
To pull or not to pull?
You may have heard of the thought experiment, Trolley Problem, but Neal Agarwal definitely brings it to the next level.
His Absurd Trolley Problems gives you the normal variant of the trolley problem to start with, and then offers increasingly absurd situations.
Would you pull or not pull the level when facing these brand new trolley problems?
Can’t be happier to end this last issue of roundup with our office closure announcement:
For 23rd Dec, we will operate from 10am to 2pm (HKT) only, and our office is closed from 25 Dec 2022 to 1 Jan 2023.
Keep smiling and till next year! 🥂